Who cums or squirts the farthest, who moans the higher, who could take the biggest... hand. There's many, many questions when we think about porn and competition. But what about a film festival? The idea here is not to create a concurrence, but to highlight creations that touch the deepest our psyché and that reflects at the bottom of dripping fluids the spirit of our porny time. To celebrate new ways of thinking pornography and to highlight productions that push the boundaries of what porn can be, or look, or sound like!
Since its first edition, the festival has held an international and national competition, with a jury board composed by 3 professionals from different backgrounds who will each represent an approach to pornographic or film productions. Our goal is to mix perspectives and to create a bridge between "traditional" cinema and the pornographic industry, by fostering interactions and connections between those two poles that rarely touch. With that in mind, our jury board is usually composed of a porn industry's personality, a porn film scholar or programmer, and a Belgian "traditional" cinema professional. Past jury members include names like Vex Ashley, Matt Lambert, Kis Keya, Carmina, Sarah Moon Howe and Nicolas Rios.
The jury delivers the Best International Porn Short, the Best National Porn Short as well as the Special Jury Prize. There's also a place for the public here, who deliver the Public Award to the film that has most captivated the audience.
For the Public Award, at the end of every screening you will be able to vote for your favorite film. The votes will be gathered on a ballot until Sunday, where it will be counted by our team before the closing ceremony.
For the 3rd edition of the festival, every screening outside of special showcases or carte-blanches was in competition, with a total of 61 short-films.
The public also voted at the end of each screening for the Public Award.
"The 1st special mention goes to Mommy’s little twink by Torri Lisek, performed by Cobalt and Manon Praline. It’s a film full of tender roughness, hot tickling games and so much laughter by the performers that it transmits to the audience in the cinema. We are aware that for many people there is a lot more effort to be made to exist in this world and to make art and porn. On top of being one of the most beautiful films we saw, we want to honor and celebrate this film made by three trans individuals.
The 2nd special mention goes to Rope Burn by Color Block Films directed by Oran Julius, performed by Mae Muerte, Calba and AfroDisiac. It’s a movie that shows the blurred lines between pleasure, pain and playfulness. To quote from their webpage: ColorBlock Films is intended to center the erotic stories of BIPOC, fat, disabled and neuro-divergent folks all within the broader LGBTQIA+ community. We celebrate their collective work, the relentless output of making movies with such a political view and discourse challenging the way we make porn.The National Porn Short Award goes to Gamètes by CLAP Collective (dir. Nova Medusa). This movie is touching and transgressive in so many levels: it involves queer family planning, celebrating different ways of love and relationships. It is smart and surprising, mixing so many forms of creation and creativity, tricking the system and bringing tenderness and humanity into a cold medical context, turning all of this into a very hot porn movie.
The Best International Porn Short Award goes to Wrong Holes Only from Carmina, June Fontaine and Revenge. This movie really stands out because its something we have never seen before. We were blown away by the tension, fun, chemistry, transgression of borders of what BDSM is, being able to show the genuine connection the performers have and how this made the cinema boil and provoked physical and emotional reactions in the audience. Everything you thought you would never see in a porn is in it: A stapler, a coronatest and worms." BEST INTERNATIONAL PORN SHORT
Revenge, June Fontaine / FR / 2023 / 9min / DCP / FR ST EN BEST NATIONAL PORN SHORT
CLAP! Collectif, Nova Medusa / BE / 2024 / 16min / DCP / OV FR ST EN JURY'S SPECIAL MENTION
ColorBlock Films, Oran Julius / USA / 2023 / 6min / DCP / OV EN ST FR JURY'S SPECIAL MENTION
Torri Lisek / GER / 2023 / 10min / DCP / OV FR ST EN PUBLIC AWARDBLIND DATE 4.0
Jan Soldat / DE, AT / 2024 / 8min / DCP / OV DE ST FR 2023
For the 2nd edition of the festival, there were a total of x films in the national and international competition, where 4 awards were delivered..
Our jury board composed by Vex Ashley, Sarah Moon Howe and Nicola Ríos granted the Porn Awards to the Best International Porn Short, Best Belgian Porn Short, as well as two Jury's Special Mentions.
The public also voted at the end of each competition's screening for the Public Award.
Nicky Lapierre et Noux Beetch / BE / 2023 / 20min / OV FR JURY'S SPECIAL MENTIONEXTYS
Clémence Andre, Nawel Bahamou,, Ming Chieh Chang, Théo Guyot, Mary Yanko / FR / 2022 / 8min / NO DIALNATIONAL PUBLIC AWARDFUNGHI BOOST
Bande James Bond : cilu dièl, Kim Possible, Popo la Sodo, Otto, Ernesto Fag / BE / 2023 / 11min / NO DIAL 2022
For our 1st edition, there were a total of x films in the national and international competition, where 4 awards were delivered..
Our jury board composed by Matt Lambert, Kis Keya and Carmina granted the Porn Awards to the Best International Porn Short, Best Belgian Porn Short, as well as two Jury's Special Mentions.
The public also voted at the end of each competition's screening for the Public Award.
"For its warmth, its intimacy, its honesty, its touching characters, the Jury has chosen to give the Best International Porn Short to 2 or 3 Things I like about him, directed by Paul Stümcke, Jamal Phoenix and Billy Vega, specially because of its technique and also because it manages to create something that many films try to do: to make us attached to its characters and to make us fall in love with them
The Best National Porn Short goes to a film that gives us a complete narrative experience based on its visual and sound qualities. For its huge technical accomplishment, the Jury gives the Best National Porn Short to Hold Me Tight, directed by Leoluna Robert-Tourneur. As a Jury we thought that as sex is something magical, animation is an unique way to bring us into an intimate journey through a world of fantasy, fetish, and for that we thank you
For its aesthetic qualities, for the place it gives to the words and to the representation of sex workers, the jury gives its first Special Mention to Les Collègues, de Adelaïd Ella. It seemed important to us to mention this particular film in regard to the actual political context of Belgium being the first European country to decriminalize sexwork but also because the jury found very moving the way in which the director depicts a beautiful solidarity with intimacy and softness.
The second Jury Special Mention goes to a film that led no one indifferent, because of the way it depicts its subject, because of the choice of humor and the kitsch aesthetic used to represent a very specific practice (urethral sounding), the Jury offers the second Special Mention to Pop’s Corn, directed by Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell. Actually we really loved the light ton and the way the directors use the laughter in order to bring the public with them and the way it is used to dedramatize and to end the taboo surrounding this practice (urethral sounding) that is so little represented on the screen.
dir. Paul Stümke, Billy Vega, Jamal Phoenix / DE / 2021 / 15min / DCP-ENG ST FR BEST NATIONAL PORN SHORT HOLD ME TIGHT
dir. Leoluna Robert-Tourneur / BE / 2021 / 6min / No Dial JURY'S SPECIAL MENTIONLES COLLÈGUES
dir. Adelaïd Ella (La Grande Horizontale) / FR / 2020 / 16min / FR ST ENG JURY'S SPECIAL MENTIONPOP’S CORN
dir. Ethan Folk and Ty Wardwell DE / 2020 / 4min / ENG ST FRINTERNATIONAL PUBLIC AWARDLES COLLÈGUES
dir. Adelaïd Ella (La Grande Horizontale) / FR / 2020 / 16min / FR ST ENGNATIONAL PUBLIC AWARDLUCIOLES